Sunday 8 April 2012

Side Salad

Wow. So March huh?

It seemed to me that regardless of country, time zone or usual temperament - March 2012 was a little bit tough for quite a few.  As a result, or perhaps as a part of this, noticeably, people were hatin' on life and hatin' on themselves. Loudly.  And online.  And in force.

And if there is one thing that I cannot stand, it's unnecessary hatin'!  Hatin' on yourself? As far as I'm concerned - that's about as unnecessary as it gets.  There are so many more worthy directions of thought to ponder (like why did someone even conceive that a chicken would cross a road? Preposterous! Roads and chickens are entirely separate issues - duh).

After raving on about 2012 being amazing in the January blogsong (I stand by this point - the song does have the caveat in parenthesis to 'wait and see' - and we've still got quite a bit of year left to have that point proven), I am quite comfortable wearing the cloak of responsibility that comes with being a crusader for happy times/positivity/chocolate consumption/a little perspective.  And also completely down with these 12 blogsongs acting as a little musical haven for the happy.  That's just how I roll.

The March blogsong is dedicated to anyone who had a rough month, anyone who felt that they could have been a much better version of themselves, and anyone who just wants a three minute distraction really.  Even if it's to laugh directly at me rather than with me.  At least you are laughing, my friend!

So today is my birthday (and Easter Sunday - so happy Easter to you all!), and I've been waiting for this day to be able to post this blogsong.  It's a tradition of mine to make sure to give a present to someone on my birthday.  So consider this a gift to you.  A sappy, diva piss-take, complete with cheesy camera movements and shower singing kind of a gift. It's the present you never wished for...but now have.  

So my inspiration for this song was Mariah Carey's 'Hero' (random trivia: first CD I ever owned was 'Music Box').  And before you shake your dubious fists in my general direction, remember that imitating diva (RIP Whitney Houston) style is completely acceptable if the song is a power ballad.  Which incorporates a side salad metaphor.  And a hairbrush and mirror combo. It is. Trust me.

(Also - huzzah to my poor abused friend Val who had to learn how to use a camera and work it in the space of oh, five minutes!  I couldn't have done it without her.  I tried.  No really. There's only so much of run-behind-the-camera-to-press-record, run-back-in-front-of-camera, realise-you-forgot-to-start-the-playback, run-to-computer-to-hit-play, run-back-in-front-of-camera, sing-awkwardly, stop-recording, view-footage-to-see-it-is-all-out-of-focus, that one person can take!)

Final soap box moment: if you can't control something - accept it. If you don't like something - change it.  Enough with the hating'. Let us collectively move on...As Captain Planet would say:
 'the power is yours' 
(and also the lesser appropriate but equally memorable - "By your powers combined, I am Captain Planet". I digress).  

Survived March. Bring it on, April!


NB. Please find the lyrics below as I ran out of time to include them as part of the film clip this time.  And it's 'Whole Meal' not 'Wholemeal' people! Yeesh!  Not that there is anything wrong with wholemeal, it's just missing the point by about four food groups.

PS. No wombats were hurt in the filming of this video.


There are times when you feel so frustrated
And the hero deep within you has apparently vacated.
Your head is weary, and your poor heart feels so small
And the greatest love of all, is curled up in a ball.

You are on your own yet you still feel out of place
And your last ounce of respect, just punched you in the face...

If you ever feel you’re just a side salad
Please listen to the words of your inner power ballad
You will soon realize then you will come to feel
That in the plate of life baby you are the whole meal!

Not your day, it may not even be your year
Finding you’re stuck in neutral when you’re aiming for first gear
Metaphors keep piling up, as you’re standing in the rain
The waiting is a pain, till life gets better again.

When all bets are off, and you’ve run right out of luck
You’re finding it quite hard, to even give a... (quack quack)

If you ever feel you’re just a side salad
Please listen to the words of your inner power ballad
You will soon realize then you will come to feel
That in the plate of life baby you are the whole meal.

This chaos and confusion
Has an obvious solution
A hairbrush and a mirror
Makes life seem that much clearer.

So Sing along…. To this song!

If you ever feel you’re just a side salad
Please listen to the words of your inner power ballad
You will soon realize then you will come to feel
That in the plate of life baby you are (yes you are) the whole meal!

Wednesday 15 February 2012

It's Okay (to be single on Valentine's Day)

With February 14th comes the bitter diatribes, the gushing after Hallmark glow, the rom-com awwww worthy memories, the heart crushing disappointment or the balance of complete disinterest towards all things love, chocolate or teddy bear related.  Never a dull moment really.

Whichever side you choose (undoubtedly there will be a side - even if expertly feigning nonchalance), know that you are not alone.  Several others are sure to agree with you (some more loudly than others - you know who I'm talking about, as there's always one).

Despite what might be said, there is really no such thing as a wrong stance when it comes to V day - UNLESS, it is claimed that what others think is wrong in comparison.  I guess this applies broadly to almost any of the important topics though - although this particular cane of worms is a discussion for another day (and another blogsong perhaps?)

Ultimately though, come mid February -  the romantics can run out of the woodworks, and all the newly single people can run in.  Of all the V day types, I truly think those most misrepresented are single people (this includes those-soon-to-be single types as well):

  • I've seen people lament the sadness of their lives and all that is lacking just because they happened to not be in a relationship on Valentine's Day.  
  • I've heard of people staying in unhappy relationships because the thought of being alone on February 14th is too much to bear (there's a furry toy joke here somewhere).  
  • I've been told, that you're colder than cold if you break up with someone before the day's old.  
Rhyming aside - it's just a day right?  A harmless little day which WE as semi-respectable individuals, choose to attribute meaning to.  The emotions involved with breaking up with someone, or your identity as a single person in theory will be same whether it's Feb 14th, or July 29th (but not April 8th, as that's my birthday).  

The point here is that it shouldn't matter what you are, even if it IS Valentine's Day.

So you're single? Yeah? Good for you! Being single is a great thing!

Now before you coupled up people come running at me with the thorns from your new roses (sent by your own sweet Valentine, or by yourself pretending to be said Valentine), please heed the words in this blogsong first (in a new added feature - the video now comes with lyrics... once day I may just figure out how to do them karaoke style).

So you're in a relationship? Yeah? Good for you! Being in a relationship is also a great thing!

For the record, this Valentine's Day I belong to the 'blissfully unattached' category - although in the past I too have received floral arrangements (in true expert fashion - thank you very much).

So you really don't care? Yeah?  Good for you! Breathing is also a great thing. It's all great! (And you ask where the love is! Pah!)

So - no matter what your location, viewpoint or Facebook relationship status may be, I hope that you had a Happy Valentine's Day...however you chose to celebrate it.


PS. A huge thanks to the lovely people of 'All Spice' who graciously donated their vocals to the ending of the song!

PPS.  If you wish to view the video on its YouTube page then click ----> here.

NB.  I'm currently at home in Far North Queensland, which means operating in a rural framework (loosely translated: I am forced to operate using 'talent' from around the house in replacement of actors, to engage in non paid product placement, to work with less advanced types of software, and to deal with internet speed that a turtle would smirk at).  But you should smell the fresh air!

Wednesday 1 February 2012

2012 (wait and see)

So. It's 2012.


On one hand you have Chinese astrology saying all good and powerful things about the year of the lucky dragon. On the other hand you have John Cusack and global mass destruction (complete with appearance of villainous Russian billionaire).

2012 for me means many things: it means a year of endless opportunities, a year of good old fashion hard work, and evidently, a year of grand sweeping statements.

Dramatics momentarily aside, this year feels like it's time to get real. It means committing to something and sticking with it. It thus means the return of this blog. Ta-da!

This time I come back a little older, perhaps a little wiser, and certainly a lot more honest.

Sometimes things don't work out as you intended them to. Shouldn't stop you from trying though. Try and try again, right? I seem to always subscribe to the school of 'learn-things-the-hard-way' and the last couple of years has been plenty busy with such learning.

'They Call Me Rubes' has been on hiatus for most of this learning time. Originally I had planned to compose one song a week and I gave myself 4 hours to do this. A little ambitious sure, but possible. Alas, I hadn't factored in a little something we call my life. I managed nine of these songs, and although they are now removed from this site, they will eventually be archived for memory's sake. The original concept didn't work out as intended. Try and try again, right?

So, 2012 is a year of launches or relaunches, this blog included. One of my New Year's resolutions is to commit to realistic achievements; thus, 12 blogsongs in one year. Every month will see a new song, which as always, speaks about a topic that I would usually blog about, but does so in musical format. And this time the blogsong will come with a brand spankin' video to boot.

The first blogsong - "2012 (wait and see)" is about as philosophical as I'll allow myself to get when incorporating 80s synth into the background music. The beginning of the year always brings hope - and my hope is that no matter who you are or where you're based, that 2012 brings you all that you hope for (and that you'll forgive/ignore the blatant use of grand sweeping statements in blogs).

So. It's February.


And this is January's blogsong but a teensy bit late?


Try and try again, right?


NB. Video includes an abundance of domestic animals, drool worthy locations, and no-budget, time-reducing, on-the-run footage. That's just how I roll.

PS. If you are interested in the lyrics then check them out here on the youtube channel